Friday 22 October 2010

The 5 S's


Reporter- After the Dark room shot. * Mans voice*
Well spoken voice.

:" Im standing just infront yet *emphasise* another gruesome murder. Last night yet another murder was committed at the same time as two nights ago 11.54pm. A girl was brutly killed, she has thought to be..........

Reporter 2- *Speaking over* -- *Womans voice*

:" Another murder at 11.54pm---- Killed & left in this very place---

Reporter 3- *Speaking over*

: A woman was walking her dog when she found a girl covered in blood-- A lipstick print was on her left cheek.

Reporters- *speaking over* *VOICES ALL TOGETHER*

: "Some are saying this is a massacre!!!!!"

Shot list

: First shot in the dark room is going to be a mid shot over the killers shoulder to show what is happening.

:Second shot; shot of reporter is going to be a long shot this is going to be used so the audience can get a feel of the setting

: Shot of picture & clock is going to be a close up shot and is going to rapidly change between one & the other to create tension.

: Woman running is going to be a tracking shot this is going to be used to involve the audience by creating suspense.

:Killers face is going to be a close up to make the audience scared.

: The door shot is going to be a long shot, we decided to make this a long shot so that the audience can get a glimpse of the "protagonist" standing behind the victim, this is to create the dramatic irony.

Stock Characters:

We decided to keep the characters quite minimal we felt the use of props & locations would speak for them selves. The only form of characters we are using with speech is a reporter. This reporter is used to inform the audience this killing has been happening over a period of time & the people in the area are aware of the situation. We are going to use props to insinuate that a murder has happened or is about to. We are going to use a random victim to just emphasise the amount of killings. Our main victim we are focusing on will be a girl, we want her to be shown as vulnerable because when we are challenging our stereotype the killer is going to be shown as very strong & the contrast between victim & killer will be emphasised. Victims tend to be very vulnerable in horror films.
The killer will be very different from our usual killers we see in films. Our killer is going to be very femine she will wear a long cloak with red heels, red lipstick & long hair. She will be wearing a femine mask to keep the mystery alive. Masks tend to be used in films to do the exact same thing & me personally i feel it keeps the story more alive when you dont know who it is. For example in the film "When a stranger calls" the man was not wearing a mask but his face was never revealed to the camera. Every other aspect of him was apart from his face & to me as the audience i felt this kept the suspense and intrigued me more.


We decided to work out what days would be best for one another and how long do we think it will take. We firstly thought about costumes, we haven't just yet bought everything or gathered everything needed so we thought we are going to need to dedicate one day to do this. We decided Monday would be best as it is the start of the week & means we can get on as soon as possible.


Costumes we need are:

: A mask that would be used for the killer

: A cloak which will also be needed for the killer

: Golden Syrup or caramel sauce, red food colouring, green good food colouring which is ingredients we found on wikipedia where it gave us a way of creating fake blood.

: Red heels which will be used for killer

: Red lipstick which will be used for killer

: Normal clothes for victim (Jeans, top)

: Suite for reporter


There are many props needed:

: Candles, Match sticks, Torches etc these are forms of lights we will need to create the sinister effect in the dark.
: Yellow plastic numbered pieces for when the reporter scene is on to show a killing has took place.
: Red pen for the killer to circle victim.
: Red blanket to show a body being covered.
: A microphone for reporter

We are hoping that the majority of these props & costumes can be found in school facilities or if not there one of us might have it, if not we are going to have to put money together & collect the left over items needed on Monday.

We decided to plan out scenes that relate to each other more. For example some scenes do not include the killer so we will put some that do not together & dedicate a day to the ones that do.
We set out our schedule not in the right order because we felt it would be easier the way we chose.

Tuesday we decided to do scene 1, 4 & 5.

Wednesday will be left to 2 & 7

Thursday will be left to 8 & 10.

We are hoping we can maybe complete scenes 8 & 10 also on wednesday but have split it up in this way just in case we can not.


Directors from Midnight Massacre are back in the game and have created yet another chilling horror.

A group of teenagers take a night off from the high school stress and rent a cabin owned by the popular girl Katie ( Jodie William). As a night of drinking, sex and and drugs goes on the danger escalates and the woods come to life. The nightmare begins as Jack ( Simon ballet) and Sophie ( Olivia rupez) get curious and seek out what is happening, when they don't return the others get worried and go to find the myth. They come face to face with the red killer who is a classy woman who will kill anyone who gets in the way of her chosen victim.

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