1.We decided we will keep the music quite simple but sinister, this is our way of challenging horror film trailers that involve young teenagers because film trailer tend to go into depth about the characters lifestyle establishing where they go everyday and who their friends are etc. Instead of us doing that we decided to show images which we feel makes the audience think wether or not this person is dead or is going to die this is our way of getting straight into the action and keeping our audience alive and focused . We then chose to do a voice over which is of two reporters explaining deaths of different victims on two different occasions. We did this to explain to the audience what has occured but we have kept the information quite minimal. When looking over teaser trailers we learnt a lot of shots are not actually in the film so we used this our advantage and created shots that would not necessarily be in the film. We kept our words minimal because we felt it creates more realism and creates this interest to the audience. The words we did use are very formal which does adds a sinister atmosphere .We created this two shots that switch over, one of a woman walking in red heels and another of a clock, We did this to keep this sense of urgency in the trailer and this intensity most film trailers don't really do this. I feel we challenged the way the feeling of horror can come through and have shed a new light. Throughout the shot we still have the sinister music in the background but also have a ticking clock. The use of the slow motion and the ticking clock creates this big suspense. Throughout the trailer we have kept the location to a minimal unlike other trailers this is to keep it mysterious and make the audience gets this sense of no where is safe. We use words in places that are neccessary so after the clock shot we use the words "You cant turn back the clock" this is to show the audience when your time is up, its up and you can't escape this killer when she wants to get you.We really have tried to speak to the audience through our trailer to make them feel involved. As we go on through the trailer this is where climax really builds up. This is where we
have shots of running, we tried to keep speech to a minimal because we did not want to explain the story to a full extent because our film is the second so the audience would already know the basics. Instead we decided we would have fast quick shots to build this intensity. We made the music build up by including a thunder noise and this ghostly voice enters to create the atmosphere. We kept the shot quite jiggedy to create this sense of confusion and metophorically how fast the characters heart beat is racing.
As the production details carry on the sound of the climax still builds up and the clock starts up again, the use of the clock shows midnight is over the killer has now got another 24 hours to kill another and cycle will continue. The climax build up carrys on to a black screen this is where people will expect something to jump out at them but we challenge this by not doing that and leaving the audience wanting more.
Q: How effective is the combination of your main product & ancillary texts?
Q: How did you use media technology in the construction & research, planning and evaluation?
Q: What have you learned from your audience feedback?
4. We used technology in many different ways to construct different things for example the trailer and research. We firstly used a video camera which without we would not be able to create any footage. We used video camera facilities such as a tripod to create height and different shots. When we achieved our filming footage we used apple mac computers to transfer the data on to a software which was called iMovie. This allowed us to edit the footage and add sound, text and images. It was a fast way of creating a proffesional looking footage. On iMovie we was able to rearrange the sound orders to how we wanted it for example the sound to get higher at a certain point or lower. In our trailer we used this technique. When researching for our trailer we had to use the internet to discover how other trailers use images, sound and footage to create this realism of horror. We used Itunes to do so as it allowed us to watch trailers of upcoming horror movies. This allowed us to discover how we could go beyond the 2010 techniques and create a wider audience with a original unique selling point. We used google to research film posters. Once we picked ones we feel related to our trailer the most we used power point to create slideshows to compare and contrast them so it was organised for us to see what we could possibly use to make our film poster as fufilling. We also used a video camera to research, we went around to certain areas of the school and recorded what we feel could come in handy. We went into the prop room in the drama department and recorded freely what we think could be used to help create the setting of this horror movie.We then went on to record two members of our group interviweing a different variety of people from age and gender to see their views on horror films. We then went on to planning/ researching by using our chosen settings and going into there with a camera and recording how we could use the props we found and put them in this chosen room to set our scene to life. This was effective because we went into depth with the rooms and how everything will be laid out this allowed us to know if it will work or not. We was successful when recording but the dark room we did not use because lack of light. We used a digital camera and phone camera and went around to different potential settings and took pictures just so we can decide what ones we feel will work best and are easy for us to get to and suitable for school/weather/students.