Tuesday 14 December 2010

Today we completed the last needed details to our trailer, we changed the type of font throughout the trailer and included the production details. This took us roughly about 45 minutes. We then moved on to put everything in the exact correct parts of the trailer this mainly consisted of the sound. We have quite a lot of sound throughout our trailer and when adding something in to edit the sound gets moved so we had to make sure it was precisely where we wanted it.

We showed our trailer once again to audiences and our feedback was much better, they was very impressed with the use of sound and images.

The key question for me & my group was at the end the music's suspense really picks up and we don't know wether we should put something in or leave the audience waiting. We decided to choose leave the audience waiting because we feel it creates that suspense as to, what happened? It makes us feel people would want to know more so go to see it and thats our goal achieved. When we watch it back we even feel the suspense and we know what to expect so the audience not having a clue means it should create a really big affect.

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