Friday 3 December 2010

When deciding the film poster we was having a quite a dilemma because of the pictures we was deciding to use. We had taken some photos before but then noticed we did not have anything to resemble our trailer so we decided to take it again. Our first image we took was by a grave stone, on one side was a pair of converse and the other side was heels to resemble the antagonists. Because this didnt really give away the concept of our film we had to re-do it and look more in depth.

We started to think what we would like to see in a film trailer in order to intrigue us and make us want to watch it. We decided using one of the actresses in the film trailer as our picture and adding the small details it will work effectively. We decided to bring in the mask & the lipstick because this resembles our killer.
We used text we feel would be quite scary but not a cheesy scary. We tried to keep the text quite minimal and focus more on the image.
We edited it in a way which creates realism and not cheap as the costing of the film mainly determines the quality of the film.

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