Wednesday 8 December 2010


Todays lesson was very productive, we looked over our final piece of footage, placed everything in place with the backing track.
I feel our piece of footage has really come along although there does feel some things are missing. When showing it to the class we got some audience feedback and these we have all taken into consideration.

There is some text in our trailer; the font we have used sort of down grades our 'classy' trailer & makes it more of a monster gothy horror which makes it look less mature. I think once this is sorted it will make our trailer look complete.
In order of the sound we need to add that little bit more of a climax, everything is sort of soft until the end but there is not that big bang that gets the audience so me and my group are trying to think of what could be used to make the film trailer stay in the audiences mind.

The last thing we need to do is the production details at the end:
The film title
The release date

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