Wednesday 29 September 2010

This is a video of me and my group explaining our planning task of a film called "Blood shed High".
We had to create a story board in which we drew pictures to explain the scene and then we wrote down the shot & the music that will accompany this shot.

We decided when talking about it infront of the class we would narrow it down so the class could get just a brief on the location, sound and target audience.
We had different opinions on some things for example the sound, we thought that we could use over lapping voices to intise the audience but then explained in the video that using over lap voices might just confuse the audience so decicded it may be better off not to.

This is an evaluation i did of a synopsis from
"Sorority Row" This is also a horror film. I focused on highlighting the Antagonists, Stock characters, plots and Protaganists. I put arrows to the highlighted parts and explained why they are one of the above.

This is another synopsis i looked at, this is from the film "Let Me In".
I looked at what the two synopsis have in common and noticed they both firstly involve a lot of youth. They feed off the innocence of young people and make them become the Antagonist.
They also involve an Protagonist that seems to be a "Mystery" person.
They films both involve murder and both show before the film gets heated and the killings start there is some background information as to why the killings start to happen. They both involve someone has done something to another person and revenge is being seeked to teach them a lesson.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Today we used this sheet to write down what we recognised in different clips of films from different genres. This made me realise that some films are easily recognisable in the genre area but some do overlap because of the Style eg. Romance
The genre was identified through different codes of convention for example the mise en scene used or the setting or the character. Themes also gave this away.
I felt this task for me was quite easy, i feel i am quite strong in the analysis department.
We looked at Clueless first of all. All the the characters, settings, mise en scene, themes added together to create this high school upper class teenagers who are interested in romance clothes & problems involving their "circle".

The one i found quite difficult to evaluate was the Western genre, this was hard for me because there wasnt much going on. It set the scene of a cowboy theme but it didnt have much props, its not the sort of film i am used to watching.

When watching this clip of grease we had to write our views on how it made it a musical. I felt that the way it was in a high school at a fun fair with all the "cool" kids, "Geek" & young boys/girls it sets the scene. The resoloution of singing & dancing about life is where it puts it all into perspective. This clip involved a lot of romance, fun, friendship & youth.


After watching the different types of genres, Musical, Science Fiction, Teen movies, Western, Horror, Comedy & Action/Adventure I noticed they all have an important setting in which this setting tells the story. They also have characters that set the film.

Looking at these clips it made me realise the importance of every small detail, this will make me think outside the box when putting my horror trailer together.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Today me & my group got together & each gave ourselves 10 minutes to write down the ideas we had come up with the night before. Once we wrote down our ideas we took it in turns to share our ideas. This was a good idea because we gathered bits from different ideas to create our whole concept.

We completely changed our location into a house. We decided to make a story board so that we have on paper our idea & we can easily adapt if needs be.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Whats the purpose of a trailer?

To interest the audience
to give an insight what it is about

Why do people go and see movies?

There is many reasons for example:

  • Genre- type of movie, everything visual will define the genre
  • Sequels become important also this makes the audience want to watch the second movie.
  • People can go because of actors for example the Expendables, the actors sell the movie also the director Sylvester Stillone
  • Narrative, The story becomes important.
  • Unique selling points are very important, For example Step Up 3D, this is unique because its a dance 3D.
  • Some people just want to watch movies for pleasure
  • Publicity and film reviews become interesting
Conventions of trailers.
What do they do?

Scott Pilgrim Vs the World

  • This trailer excites you by the images.
  • This trailer captures the best moments in the film & brings it all together in the trailer.
  • The trailer is very quick & snappy
  • The non diegetic sound sets the scene
  • Use of titles & credits.

Let Me In

  • Movie aims for realism thats why it uses words not a voice to tell the story.
  • More about creating a shocking mood & atmosphere
  • The unique selling point in this trailer is the 12 year old girl being portrayed as a vampire & not innocent.
  • The blending of Genres
  • Production details-Film ratings
  • Credits to express narrative
  • Medium to close up is the main shot type, shows its the more emotional based

My Dog Tulip

  • Shots are more pensive, they want you to look at the shots longer.
  • The use of the voice tells the story and explains the characters

All these trailers hold some conventions, they all show the best bits of film from beginning,middle & end. They all consist of credits, involving directors, reviews & release dates.

today me & my group wrote on an A3 piece of paper our ideas of our Audience, our location, our plot & our characters profile.

I found this very useful because it actually put our thoughts on to paper so we could anaylse what is what. When we discussed our location with the teacher he told us that a park would not be a great idea, so taking into account his experience we decided we would come together tomorrow & share our ideas with each-other. From our research we noticed horror movies tend to be 15 & above. Taking this into account we decided that our target audience would be over 15 & carry on to the average age of 25 but horrors is open to any age.

We did a profile for our character so we can start to see how the characters would be & what frame of mind they would have.

Thursday 9 September 2010

The Last Exorcism

Today I watched "The Last Exorcism" I went to see this film for pleasure it also became educational for my media work. It allowed me to see the different ways in which new films create this "horror" effect. Throughout the film they used a Cinema Vertire effect to create this realism.

Reasons for me going to see this film was because of the Genre, i like horror films & this was the main reason for me going to see it. The fact that it is like a sequel made me more interested to see.

This relates back to mine & my team mates film name, we made our name sound like a sequel. This shows that the first one must of been good for a second one to be made. This creates publicity & reviews.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

I studied Case 39's trailer.

I noticed that the first shot was an establishing scene of the city. They had many towers that made it seem like a business area.
A woman speaks saying 38 as she does so a man throws a file on her table which reads "CONFIDENTIAL" in big red letters. As there is a close up of the folder it shows a little girls picture, a note says "Child services division"

This intrigues the audience because there is so much secrecy.

A house is then shown, this was interesting for me because it gave me ideas for mine & my team mates trailer. It showed a house that had over grown plants on it, this made the house look deserted & unwanted.

As the trailer goes in you get to hear the little girls voice, she is the stereotypical innocent child. Her voice is very innocent and her appearance is very vulnerable.

As the scenes go on it shows a man digging a whole then a blink of a black out happens & the tempo raises majorly.
As black outs happen you hear the little girl say "Im scared" this sets the trailer and thats when everything gets crazy. Flashing images happen you see a woman holding a knife a man & woman looking like they are fighting.
All of a sudden the atmosphere changes, calm incidental music now accompanies the piece. I noticed that whilst everything was calm the whole picture became a lot brighter. I have never noticed this before and I feel this would be good for me to consider for my trailer. This was effective because it showed the differences. As the shots show small parts of the "happy" life it all of a sudden shows the girl outside on the pattio whilst heavy rain comes down & it is thundering, this is where the whole colour becomes dull.

The trailer shows close ups of many things, such as a door knob twisting around as the two people watch it happen, this creates the tension & makes us as the audience want to know more onto what is going to happen. The crystal glass knob looks slightly old fashioned which shows a twist in the story.

Everything seems to get hurried along as the trailer continues it creates this effect as if you are trying to keep up & understand what is going on this. You see a woman bolting the doors shut, then everything becoming deformed. The use of the bangs is scary and makes you feel unsafe.

You hear a radio sounding voice at one point then you see the woman watching t.v as the woman talks you feel you should be aware of what is happening because she makes it seem as if it could happen to you. She says " people die & they just die" but as she says this she stares directly at the screen so it seems she is staring at you. She looks like a ghostly woman who has experienced so much loss and knows what is happening but is not willing to say.

A woman's hand is shown opening the glass door knob this relates back to when the door knob was twisting before, this creates this dramatic irony that you feel there is something on the other side of the door.

Sounds are used to make everything more threatening such as knives being pulled out of draws, screams and disfigured voices.

I felt this analysis made me think more into the signs. This would benefit me when creating my trailer because i got a real feel on how a horror trailer should be & what really gets the audience.

Today's lesson was very crucial, we learnt things that would benefit us in the future with our media studies coursework. We got given a table which stated each week and what progress should be made & what equipment would be necessary to do so. We read through the mark bands and how we are going to achieve our goals. We was then told who we was going to work with, this was based on who works best together based on different potential and strong points. My group started to work as soon as, today we decided what our name was going to be called and how we would set out our name. We decided in the number 2 it should have scratch marks which actually split it into two. This would be effective because it represents the gory side of the horror trailer we are going to make & present. We chose to also play on words like for example the name is Midnight Masscare 2 the return of the "Mask"acrade to make it more effective we scratched out the "sk" with two cat looking scratches. The use of the word "Mask" is because our trailer involves a very effective mask. As you can see in a plan below we also chose to use puns such as "you can run, but can you hide?" This involves our audience and make them seem apart of what we have to offer.

Once we sort of had a plan of what we was going to do, we all gave each other a task & went off in our free periods to do it. For example my task was to research recent movies from 2000 & up & talk about them, this could involve stereotypes, gender, age. Another person researched movies from before 2000 & also made a power point about it. We did this as our research process to compare the differences & how time has changed & how movies has changed with it.

Down below is a print screen of my power point i made, this power point consists of my personal intake on these movies and how i feel it would be a helpful analysis for my final piece


Hi my name is Chantel, i am working on my A2 Media A level. In order to get a coursework grade i must create a film trailer with 2 other class mates. We have spoke about how we are going to sort this out & we have discussed we will share roles in order to each have an equal job to get our best possible grades. 

We have been told the trailer must be based on a horror movie. We have all decided that we will do it different and not create a stereotyped movie trailer & in-fact make it original.

Vanessa is one of my team mates & her blog is
Mellisa is also another one of my team mates her blog is www.