Tuesday 21 September 2010

Today we used this sheet to write down what we recognised in different clips of films from different genres. This made me realise that some films are easily recognisable in the genre area but some do overlap because of the Style eg. Romance
The genre was identified through different codes of convention for example the mise en scene used or the setting or the character. Themes also gave this away.
I felt this task for me was quite easy, i feel i am quite strong in the analysis department.
We looked at Clueless first of all. All the the characters, settings, mise en scene, themes added together to create this high school upper class teenagers who are interested in romance clothes & problems involving their "circle".

The one i found quite difficult to evaluate was the Western genre, this was hard for me because there wasnt much going on. It set the scene of a cowboy theme but it didnt have much props, its not the sort of film i am used to watching.

When watching this clip of grease we had to write our views on how it made it a musical. I felt that the way it was in a high school at a fun fair with all the "cool" kids, "Geek" & young boys/girls it sets the scene. The resoloution of singing & dancing about life is where it puts it all into perspective. This clip involved a lot of romance, fun, friendship & youth.


After watching the different types of genres, Musical, Science Fiction, Teen movies, Western, Horror, Comedy & Action/Adventure I noticed they all have an important setting in which this setting tells the story. They also have characters that set the film.

Looking at these clips it made me realise the importance of every small detail, this will make me think outside the box when putting my horror trailer together.

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