Wednesday 8 September 2010

I studied Case 39's trailer.

I noticed that the first shot was an establishing scene of the city. They had many towers that made it seem like a business area.
A woman speaks saying 38 as she does so a man throws a file on her table which reads "CONFIDENTIAL" in big red letters. As there is a close up of the folder it shows a little girls picture, a note says "Child services division"

This intrigues the audience because there is so much secrecy.

A house is then shown, this was interesting for me because it gave me ideas for mine & my team mates trailer. It showed a house that had over grown plants on it, this made the house look deserted & unwanted.

As the trailer goes in you get to hear the little girls voice, she is the stereotypical innocent child. Her voice is very innocent and her appearance is very vulnerable.

As the scenes go on it shows a man digging a whole then a blink of a black out happens & the tempo raises majorly.
As black outs happen you hear the little girl say "Im scared" this sets the trailer and thats when everything gets crazy. Flashing images happen you see a woman holding a knife a man & woman looking like they are fighting.
All of a sudden the atmosphere changes, calm incidental music now accompanies the piece. I noticed that whilst everything was calm the whole picture became a lot brighter. I have never noticed this before and I feel this would be good for me to consider for my trailer. This was effective because it showed the differences. As the shots show small parts of the "happy" life it all of a sudden shows the girl outside on the pattio whilst heavy rain comes down & it is thundering, this is where the whole colour becomes dull.

The trailer shows close ups of many things, such as a door knob twisting around as the two people watch it happen, this creates the tension & makes us as the audience want to know more onto what is going to happen. The crystal glass knob looks slightly old fashioned which shows a twist in the story.

Everything seems to get hurried along as the trailer continues it creates this effect as if you are trying to keep up & understand what is going on this. You see a woman bolting the doors shut, then everything becoming deformed. The use of the bangs is scary and makes you feel unsafe.

You hear a radio sounding voice at one point then you see the woman watching t.v as the woman talks you feel you should be aware of what is happening because she makes it seem as if it could happen to you. She says " people die & they just die" but as she says this she stares directly at the screen so it seems she is staring at you. She looks like a ghostly woman who has experienced so much loss and knows what is happening but is not willing to say.

A woman's hand is shown opening the glass door knob this relates back to when the door knob was twisting before, this creates this dramatic irony that you feel there is something on the other side of the door.

Sounds are used to make everything more threatening such as knives being pulled out of draws, screams and disfigured voices.

I felt this analysis made me think more into the signs. This would benefit me when creating my trailer because i got a real feel on how a horror trailer should be & what really gets the audience.

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