Wednesday 8 September 2010

Today's lesson was very crucial, we learnt things that would benefit us in the future with our media studies coursework. We got given a table which stated each week and what progress should be made & what equipment would be necessary to do so. We read through the mark bands and how we are going to achieve our goals. We was then told who we was going to work with, this was based on who works best together based on different potential and strong points. My group started to work as soon as, today we decided what our name was going to be called and how we would set out our name. We decided in the number 2 it should have scratch marks which actually split it into two. This would be effective because it represents the gory side of the horror trailer we are going to make & present. We chose to also play on words like for example the name is Midnight Masscare 2 the return of the "Mask"acrade to make it more effective we scratched out the "sk" with two cat looking scratches. The use of the word "Mask" is because our trailer involves a very effective mask. As you can see in a plan below we also chose to use puns such as "you can run, but can you hide?" This involves our audience and make them seem apart of what we have to offer.

Once we sort of had a plan of what we was going to do, we all gave each other a task & went off in our free periods to do it. For example my task was to research recent movies from 2000 & up & talk about them, this could involve stereotypes, gender, age. Another person researched movies from before 2000 & also made a power point about it. We did this as our research process to compare the differences & how time has changed & how movies has changed with it.

Down below is a print screen of my power point i made, this power point consists of my personal intake on these movies and how i feel it would be a helpful analysis for my final piece

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