Wednesday 29 September 2010


This is an evaluation i did of a synopsis from
"Sorority Row" This is also a horror film. I focused on highlighting the Antagonists, Stock characters, plots and Protaganists. I put arrows to the highlighted parts and explained why they are one of the above.

This is another synopsis i looked at, this is from the film "Let Me In".
I looked at what the two synopsis have in common and noticed they both firstly involve a lot of youth. They feed off the innocence of young people and make them become the Antagonist.
They also involve an Protagonist that seems to be a "Mystery" person.
They films both involve murder and both show before the film gets heated and the killings start there is some background information as to why the killings start to happen. They both involve someone has done something to another person and revenge is being seeked to teach them a lesson.

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